Atoosa Vahdani (Tehran 1976)
Member of Iran's Sculpting Association Bachelor degree of electronic engineer
She began her work as a student from 1994 in Kargah-honar workshop and continued till she became an instructor in the same place .
From 2006 she was introduced to master Parviz Tanavoli the well known sculptor. She continues as his apprentice and learnt many special technics in sculpting from him since 2009 .
Her work is inspired mostly by the contemporary human and his concerns.
آتوسا وحدانى ( تهران ، ١٩٧٦)
عضو انجمن مجسمه سازان ايران فارغ التحصيل مهندسى الكترونيك
مجسمه سازى را در سال ١٣٧٣ در كارگاه هنر آغاز كرد و تا جايى ادامه داد كه در همان مركز به عنوان مدرس مشغول به كار شد.
از سال ١٣٨٥ افتخار آشنايى با استاد بزرگ مجسمه سازى پرويز تناولى را پيدا كرد و تكنيك هاى خاص مجسمه سازى را از أيشان آموخت واز سال١٣٨٨ تا كنون در كارگاه شخصى ايشان به عنوان دستيار مشغول به كار است واز راهنمايى هاى أيشان بهره مند مى گردد.
آتوسا وحدانى از مجسمه سازانى است كه انسان معاصر و دغدغه هايش در زندگى هميشه مورد توجه او در آثارش بوده است.
Selected Exhibitions
- Group Sculpture Exhibition, Belgium Embassy, Tehran, 2012
- Solo Sculpture Exhibition, Shirin Art Gallery, Tehran, 2012
- Magic of Persia Auction, Salsali Private Museum, Dubai, 2012
- Contemporary Medals Exhibition, Birmingham, 2012
- Iranian Contemporary Artist, Middle East Art Gallery, Tehran, 2012
- Art Expo, Shirin Art Gallery, Tehran, 2011
- Sculpture Exhibition of 3rd Generation & Parviz Tanavoli, Fravahr Gallery, Tehran, 2011
- Group Sculptor Exhibition, Art Center Gallery, Tehran, 2011
- Millon & Associes, Paris, 2010
- Group Exhibition, Art Center Gallery, Paris, 2010
- 3rd Sculpture Exhibition of KALEB Group, Art Center Gallery, Tehran, 2010
- Group Exhibition, Golestan Gallery, Tehran, 2010
- First Medallion Exhibition in IRAN, Mah Mehr Gallery, Tehran, 2010
- Group Medallion Exhibition, Birmingham University, England, 2009
- First Sculpture Expo, The Iranian Artist Forum, 2008
- First Sculpture Biennial for Urban Spaces, Barg Gallery 5th, Tehran, 2008
- Sculpture Biennial, Museum of Contemporary, Tehran, 2007